Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Innovation as a career opportunity.
A one day workshop was held at auditorium of Central Institute of Business Management Research and Development, Nagpur on the theme of entrepreneurship and innovation as a career opportunity on 28/09/2019. Dr Prashant Kadu, Principal, Abha Gaikawad Patil College of Engineering was the resource person.
Students were directed to discuss in their groups to finalized an innovative start up based on the
problem statement given to them. After it each group were given 10 minutes to present their ideas and
expert comments on it. Students were inspired to learn more about innovative start up.
Gandhi Jayanti
On 02/10/2019 a program of expert talk on “Gandhiji’s undefined vision on innovation, incubation and entrepreneurship” was held at Central Institute of Business Management
Research and Development on 150 th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Dr.Prashant Kadu, Principal Abha Gaikawad Patil College of Engineering and Convener, Mayor Innovation Council, Nagpur delivered an expert talk through his mission of Center for Creativity and Innovation.
Outbound training for personality development at Sahas
A program of outbound training for personality development was organized from 12 to 13 Feb 2020 at Sahas the Camp near Wadgaon Dam, Buttibori, Nagpur. Outbound training activities were conducted by the trainers of the camp. Students of the CIBMRD were allowed to do the activities in groups. Rafting, climbing, jumping, night safari, jungle stay, navigation, group dynamism, group building, leadership and so many group games were played. Groups were given the task of self-analysis of activities and then briefed by the trainer.
Student Development Program on Entrepreneurial Skill
“Student Development Program on Entrepreneurial Skill Development” (for UG and PG students) from 16/10/2020 to 24/10/2020 was organized by Institution’s Innovation Council and ED Cell, CIBMRD, Nagpur. Dr.R.K.Gupta, Director, Mahatama Gandhi Institute of Rural Industrialization, Wardha was the chief guest of the inauguration session.
Resource persons from various govt and non-govt organizations like MGIRI, CSV, MAFSU were invited for online sessions. They delivered their views on new business opportunities and skills required in their domain.
2021-Post Union Budget Analysis & Quiz
Institute has successfully conducted “Understanding Budget 2021-Post Union Budget Analysis & Quiz Competition (Based on union budget 2021)” on 6th February 2021
2021-Post Union Budget Analysis & Quiz
Institute has successfully conducted “Understanding Budget 2021-Post Union Budget Analysis & Quiz Competition (Based on union budget 2021)” on 6th February 2021
Short Term Industry Ready Program for Graduates(RUBICON)
Short Term Industry Ready Program for Graduates was conducted in association with RUBICON . 70 students participated in the program
2021-Post Union Budget Analysis & Quiz
Institute has successfully conducted “Understanding Budget 2022-Post Union Budget Analysis & Quiz Competition (Based on union budget 2022)” on 4th February 2021
Workshop on RM
Workshop on Research Methodology was organized for MBA final year students on 13 th Oct.2021
Resource Person : Dr. Anup Suchak
Certificate program on ‘ Introduction to Digital Marketing’
30 hrs Certificate program on ‘ Introduction to Digital Marketing” was conducted by Aakruti Arora