NSS orientation and cross road innovation
A program on NSS orientation and crossroad motivational speak by an innovator is conducted on 21/09/2019 at CIBMRD.
Dr. Prashant Kadu , Principal ABGP College of Engineering addressed the student on role of innovation and scientific innovative approach in student life as well as social life in his NSS orientation speech
.Mr.Shriyash Jichkar, B Tech from IIT Guwahati and MBA from IIM Banglore was a resource person for innovation story
Constitution Day and Fundamental Duties
Constitution Day and Fundamental Duties was organized on 26/11/2019. Mr. Tanvir Mirza ,Yashodhara NGO was the chief guest for this program. He demonstrate the procedure for converting waste material into finished goods at home. He also present the opputunities for making production from house hold waste.
International Yoga Day
International Yoga Day celebrated by Central Institute of Business Management Research & Development, Pawanbhumi Nagpur on 21/06/2019 under it’s NSS Cell. Staff and students of the college practiced yoga at their homes at 7.30 am with the help of demonstrations by Janardan Swami Yogabhyasi Mandal, Nagpur through web link .
Celebration of : World Ozone Day
World Ozone Day is celebrated in online mode at CIBMRD on 16th Sept 2022. Dr Ajay Talwekar , PO NSS and President IIC CIBMRD addressed students on importance of sustainable use of natural resources

National Youth Day
National Youth Day is celebrated at CIBMRD on 12/01.2022 in online mode. Innovative learning mode for students and teachers was the subject of discussion for this program. Students presented their different innovative ideas of learning and pedagogical diversities usually discussed in their peer group of students learning through out the country and abroad too. Faculties also shared their views on effectivity of different learning and teaching methods. Dr Anup Suchak was the resource person and Program was conducted by Dr Ajay Talwekar,
Poster Exhibition on World Earth Day
World earth day was celebrated at CIBMRD by organizing poster exhibition of pictures related to world earth aspects. Students prepared and exhibited various new ideas and information in the form of various posters. Total 21 posters were received and exhibited. Dr Amishi Arora, Principal CIBMRD, addressed students on this occasion
Waste management and donation
A program on waste management and waste donation was conducted on 10th June 2022 in association with Maitri Pariwar Sanstha. Mr Dilip Thakre addressed students on the work done by Maitri Pariwar for this social cause.
College also donated paper waste and electronics waste to maître Pariwar. Students, faculty and staff also donated cloths and toys to Maitri Pariwar at this time.

Constitution day
A program on importance of constitution was organized at CIBMRD on 26/11/2022 in online mode.
National Girl Child Day
National Girl child Day was celebrated at CIBMRD in online mode on 24/01/2022. Students from BBA and MBA classes and faculties of the college participated in the discussion on the women empowerment. Dr Yogita Sure, MBA coordinator was the resource person for this program.
Bird Nest making workshop
Bird Nest making workshop was conducted for students and staff of CIBMRD by NGO Yashodhara. Mr Tanveer Mirza from Yashodhara demonstrated the skill of making small nest for birds like sparrows to keep it in house garden or gallery

Celebration of Shivswarajya Divas
Shivswarajya Divas celebrated at CIBMRD on 6th June 2022 in offline and online mode. First online meeting was called on zoom where recorded speech of Late Sumant Tekade ,on Shivaji Maharaj as management Guru was shared and questions of students were answered by Dr Sagar Khursange. Then Dr Amishi Arora garland Photo of Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and addressed college staff, faculties and students on this occasion about role of Shivaji Maharaj in administration of fare and just government administration.

International Yoga Day
International Yoga Day is celebrated at Central Institute of Business Management Resaerch and Development, Nagpur On 21/06/2022 at 11 am for staff and students. Shri Hansaraj Mishra, Ex Manadal Prabhari, Patanjali Yog Samiti, Nagpur was the resource person. He has taken yoga session as per protocol. He demonstrated and taken various aasanaas and sukshma vyayamas. He also taken Pranayama’s.
After 1 hour of Yoga session there was a pannel discussion on whether yoga is helpful for our daily life activities and how it can be seen in terms of humanity ? Five students and three faculties were participated in Pannel disscussion. Pannel discussion was chaired by Principal Dr Amishi Arora and moderated by NSS program officer Dr Ajay Talwekar. Total 38 participants were present in the program